Free Scrapbooking & Papercrafting Magazines? Yes Please!
Posted by 120705640 on
I love magazines, especially scrapbooking and papercrafting magazines. I love the feeling of having a brand new issue in my hands, ready for me to browse through and be inspired. I used to have stacks and stacks of magazines, and every now and then I would go through them one more time, rip out the pages I wanted to keep, and then give them away.
About a year and a half ago, I got an iPad primarily for magazines. This way I wouldn't have to deal with storing all those magazines nor would I have to give them away. And then all the paper magazines slowly started going away. Digital publications started taking their place, and although I know some people would rather have the paper issue in their hands, I had already made the jump to digital so I was ok with it.
Lately a few new digital publications have sprung up that I've been enjoying, so I thought I'd share three of them with you. Best of all, all three are free! Yup, that's right, absolutely free! You can't beat that!
First up is Scrapbooks and Cards Today. This is actually not a new publication, they've been around for a few years, but they've always had a free digital version in addition to a print version that you can get for the cost of shipping. It is a quarterly magazine that has a nice mix of scrapbooking and cardmaking projects.
Next is Jot. This magazine just started up last summer, and I was hooked right from the very first issue. It is a beautiful publication that comes out six times per year and is filled with lots of traditional and pocket style scrapbooking inspiration.
Finally, I just discovered Create a few days ago. They just started up at the beginning of January and publish monthly. Sketches play a bit part in this magazine, and the designers do a great job of showing how one sketch can be used in so many ways.
So those are the three free magazines that are keeping my iPad lit up these days. What about you? Do you have any favorites you'd like to add to the list?
Disclaimer: I am not affiliated in any way with any of these magazines, nor was I compensated for writing this post, other than the fact that I get to enjoy the magazines absolutely free, and now so do you! :-)